

The next reading in Greek 1, will be Theocritus.

Yesterday afternoon was chilly in more respects than one.

Amherst was well represented on the spectators seats yesterday.

A large number of graduates were among the spectators yesterday.

The bicycle men are getting in some excellent practice on the new track.


The usual large "outside" audience witnessed the game yesterday.

Marks of conditioned men in Algebra are posted in the south entry of University.

The new track is now in almost perfect condition, and is being carefully cared for.

Advanced sections in freshman Greek will read the "Clouds" of Aristophanes.

At Little Rock University a sophomore has been fined two dollars for kissing a coed. [Ex.

Three home runs in a single game is a record that has seldom been surpassed on Jarvis Field.

Let every one attend this afternoon's game and give the nine the heartiest possible support.

The complaints about lost umbrellas at Memorial, have almost ceased since the new checking system was put into operation.

Coolidge received a very painful injury to his hand yesterday, losing a finger-nail.

The ladies who braved yesterday's storm were but poorly repaid for their loyalty to the crimson.
