

Senior class meeting, Holden Chapel, 7.30 P. M.

The Yale News is said to clear a large sum yearly.

Amherst has a co-operative society, on a small scale, which is run by three '87 men.

Amherst '87 has a nine, and is desirous of playing a game with our freshmen.

Belmont '86 was the winner of the pony race at the spring meeting of the Country Club on Saturday.


The Bostons received their first defeat yesterday at the hands of the Buffalos, by a score of 3 to 2.

The trustees of Columbia have passed a resolution prohibiting smoking upon the college grounds.

The third term catalogue of Yale shows 150 seniors, 138 juniors, 146 sophomores, and 156 freshmen.

It is proposed to form a co-operative society at the University of Michigan, on a similar method to our own.

There will be no recitation in Prof. Goodwin's course this week, owing to the honor examinations in classics.

The Brown university crew has made arrangements with a local boat club by which it secures very good accommodations.

Professor White will kindly omit Saturday's recitation in Greek 7, to enable the members of the section to attend the class races.

The annual concert of the glee club and Pierian Sodality will take place on Wednesday evening, May 14th. Tickets are now on sale at Sever's.

The winners in the Yale class games will receive ribbons as prizes. The prizes awarded at the university games will be silver cups.

Dr. McCosh, president of Princeton College, is making a western trip in the interests of the college. During the summer vacation Dr. McCosh will go to Europe.
