

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Lost-An umbrella; has straight, light brown handle, with C. E. L. on it. Finder will confer a great favor by leaving it with Leavitt and Peirce.

Tutoring in freshman German. T. H. Root, 37 Holyoke.

Found-A bunch of keys. Owner can have them by applying at Leavitt and Peirce's.

Printed notes in History 12 now on sale at the Co-operative.

Tutoring in Phil. 1 and N. H. 3. L. Litchfield, 17 Thayer.


Lost-A silk umbrella, with wooden handle. Owner's name on end of handle. Please leave with Leavitt and Peirce.

Tutoring in Freshman classics and Mathematics by a graduate. A. L. Hodges, 25 Holyoke street.

For experienced tutor in Freshman German in the German electives apply or address "G.," 26 Holyoke street.
