


Several changes will probably be made in the composition of the University crew. This week the crew has been trying Bryant and Keith, and has been rowing in the following order:

Bow, W. W. Mumford, '84, W't. 169

2, A. Keith, '85 165

3, W. G. Borland, '86, 181

4, J. L. Sawyer, L. S., 170


5, E. H. S. Clarke, '84, 195

6, S. I. Hudgens, '84, 196

7, R. P. Perkins, '84, 194

Stroke, W. P. Bryant, '84, 158

Though it is late to make changes, yet it is not too near the races to endanger our chances of success. Last year, at about this time, it will be remembered, several changes were made; nevertheless, by the end of June, the crew showed up in excellent form. With seven old men to chose from, it would seem as though there would be little difficulty in arranging the men in the boat. It is, however, Jesirabie, for many reasons, that Mr. Perkins, last year's stroke, should row at number seven, if an efficient stroke can be obtained. If Mr. Bryant can endure the hard work of a four-mile race, he will probably row stroke. Though Mr. Storrow has had a year's experience and proved himself an excellent oarsman, he is rather light, and may possibly be displaced by Mr. Keith. The final composition of the crew has not yet been decided, but will probably be known by the end of this week.

THE YALE CREWIt may of interest to compare the weights of our crew with those of their rivals of Yale.

The latter are rowing as follows:

Bow, R. S. Storrs, '85, W't. 161

2, C. B. Hobbs, '85, 170
