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Today is to be a prominent one in the athletic calendar, and one in which Harvard is particularly interested. The Mott Haven games, the Princeton-Harvard base-ball game, and the Yale-Harvard lacrosse match, all come this afternoon. The first two occur so far away from Cambridge that few besides the teams will be able to witness them. The lacrosse match with Yale occurs in Cambridge, and should be well attended, for upon the outcome of this game the chances of Harvard for the championship depend. If the game is lost, Harvard will lose all chance; but if it is won, we still have a chance to tie Yale and Princeton for first place. The Harvard team has worked hard since the season opened, despite the small grounds on which they have been compelled to practice, and as a result some good play ought to be witnessed from them today. The team labor under the disadvantage of having two of its best men away on the Mott Haven team, but this is only the more reason why the college should turn out in force to encourage them in their efforts to win.
