

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-The sort of inteference and espionage to which the undergraduates have been subjected during their recent celebrations is just the course to defeat the ends which the faculty have in view. On Saturday night the proctors determined that there should be no bonfire. It was however, but a short time before one was built, and then followed a scene which is not a pleasant subject of contemplation. An officer of the college took upon himself a police duty, which not only derogated from his dignity, but placed him for over an hour in a very awkward position. More than this, the matter which he undertook to control was only made worse by his interference; instead of one bonfire, placed where it could do no harm, four were kindled,-those in very bad blaces. The celebration which, if left to itself, would hardly have lasted long, continued half the night, and more than all, a strong feeling of antagonism between the students and officers was developed.

On Monday night much the same scene was repeated,-a troublesome and provoking interference was shown, the band was not allowed to enter the yard, the students were ordered about like schoolboys, and a threatening and ill timed speech was made by one of the younger instructors. A feeling of resistance, a desire to smash something was the natural and inevitable result, and I can but think it fortunate that so little trouble came of it. I believe that on such occasions, happening so rarely as they do, very great liberty can be safely given to the students. Certainly, such features as the brass band and the giee club ought to be allowed entire freedom. About bonfires a difference of opinion may arise, yet, I believe that if confidence were placed in the good sense of the undergraduates, as is done in more weighty matters, no harm could result. Only one fire would in such a case be built, probably in the broad open space in front of University. The proctors might keep themselves in the background to see that the fire did not become too large. The wood which was used-taken from the college wood-yard, would be cheerfully paid for by the nine. Such a course would have been in accordance with the general policy and traditions of the university, and it would have caused no unpleasant break in the cordial and beneficial understanding between the undergraduates and the faculty which it has been one of the chief honors of Harvard to maintain. '84.
