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The management of the freshman nine is showing much enterprise in arranging practice games. Four games are scheduled for the next five or six days, so that the men will be kept constantly on the jump to meet these engagements. This looks like business. Such energy is what is needed to give the freshmen the necessary practice to cope successfully with the Yale men. Such nines as those of the Newton High School and the Braintree nine, do not offer very formidable opponents to our freshmen, but every game familiarizes the men with one another's style of play, and tends to make the nine a unit. The games with the Brown freshmen and Andover Academy are different. The playing will be more even, and '87 will have a chance to learn, perhaps, that it is necessary to keep cool when the score is close, and not get "rattled" and go to pieces if at any time their adversaries have a lead in the score. '87, with the material which it has, ought to come out of these next few games with a good clean record of victories.
