

Theme 5 was returned to sophomores yesterday afternoon.

Table 24, yesterday, defeated the Asonets, by a score of 11 to 7.

A "Phillips' Andover Club of Yale College" was organized last night.

Yale and Princeton are again troubled with stealing from the dormitories.

The Memorial waiters recently inflicted a severe defeat on a picked nine.


The Bowdoin crew are training under the supervision of Fred Plaisted, the oarsman.

Members of the Mott Haven team now assemble in front of Matthews, at 8, every morning.

Over thirty men entered in the preliminary competition for the Boylston prizes.

The freshmen play at South Braintree, tomorrow. Train leaves O. C. depot at 2.30 P. M.

Quite a number of men daily assemble at the boat-house to watch the crews at their afternoon's practice.

A graduate of Princeton has given a cup to the students of that college, to be competed for in the mile run.

All freshmen who intend to go to Newton with the nine will meet at Bartlett's, at 1.30, this afternoon.

The freshmen play the Brown freshmen at Providence on Tuesday, May 6, and the Andover nine on May 7.

According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, Dr. McCosh attended ten colleges, and graduated from six.

Some excellent declamation was heard at the preliminary trial for the Boylston Prizes, yesterday afternoon.

E. A. Thompson, '87, who was in training for the mile run in the inter-collegiate games, has given up training by direction of his physician.

Professor Flagg, of Cornell, has recently printed a "Guide for Students of Greek," in which he severely condemns the use of trots in reading the classics.

A silver cup will be given to any one breaking the Yale record at the running long jump in the coming spring meeting of the Yale Athletic Association.

The officers of the Phi Beta Kappa from '85 are as follows : Webster, 1st Marshal ; Litchfield, 2nd Marshal ; Davis, Dunham, Smith, dinner committee.

For the information of the Yale News, we would say that our recent editorial on Mr. Camp was based on an article published in the last Spirit of the Times, from the pen of the Yale correspondent.

The Yale Bicycle Club has been obliged to change the date of its races, which were to have taken place May 28th, owing to the fact that the Yale nine is to play a championship game on that date. No new date has as yet been selected.

It has just come to light that members of the Cambridge Bicycle Club have been in the habit of practicing on the Holmes Field track at five o'clock in the morning, a somewhat unusual hour. As no permission has been given this club to avail itself of the track, the action of some of its members would seem to exhibit a degree of "nerve" that is rather surprising.
