

In accordance with the time-honored custom of Harvard, the sophomore class met at the Quincy House last Friday evening to dine together. At eight o'clock the class marched to the dining ball, which presented a very attractive sight, its new decorations being well shown by the brilliantly lighted chandeliers. At each of the 125 plates lay a neat menu card and a book of songs, printed especially for the occasion. When the cigars were lighted, President Barnes arose and introduced Mr. Sanborn, the poet of the evening, whose lines were received with applause. Mr. R. D. Smith then gave the oration, which brought down the house with its closing simile. Mr. Parsons, the toastmaster, then called up the following gentlemen, who responded happily to the toasts proposed.

"The class of '86," Mr. Barnes ; "Scholarship," Mr. Huddleston ; "the '86 eleven," Mr. Austin ; "the '86 crew," Mr. Harris ; "the annex," Mr. La Monte ; "the HERALD-CRIMSON," Mr. Frye ; "the Lampoon," Mr. W. W. Baldwin ; "the Advocate," Mr. Atherton ; "the Harvard Union," Mr. Merriam ; "the Harvard Total Abstinence League," Mr. Lincoln ; "the university eleven," Mr. Kimball ; "the Harvard Shooting Club," Mr. Abbot ; "the committee," Mr. J. S. Wright ; "the ladies," Mr. Santayana. The speeches were interspersed with songs, under the direction of Mr. Mason, the chorister, and the following gentlemen gave solos : Messrs. Barnes, Edgerly, Mason, Haughton, Harrison, Guild, Merriam, Dewey and Cole.

The best speeches of the evening were those of Messrs. Santayana, Huddle ston and La Monte. Mr. Santayana's closing "oracle" being filled with witty personalities which received rounds of applause.

The committee, Messrs. Barnes, Minot and Wright, and the proprietors of the Quincy House, are to be congratulated on their excellent arrangements, and the class will long remember last Friday as a red letter day in its history.
