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Among the contributors to the May Century, we find Julian Hawthorne, Henry James, Charles Waldstein, Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, John Burroughs, Mrs. Van Rensselaer, Philip Bourke Marston, George W. Cable, Robert Grant, Austin Dobson, H. H., Frank Stockton, Edmund Gosse, Thomas Hughes, Christina Rossetti, Andrew Lang, and R. W. Gilder. The mere mention of these names is sufficient to show the interest of the number. Henry James' new sketch is certainly an international one, if its situation in London and its reference to almost every one of the larger American cities can make it such ; still it is, like all Mr. James' work, clever. Mrs. Van Rensselaer's article on "Recent Architecture in America," is very interesting ; the article has little but praise for the new Harvard Medical School, Sever Hall and the Law School. Mr. Hawthorne's article on the Salem of his father is interesting alike from its subject and its writer, who promises us further articles about Hawthorne in Concord, Boston, and Brook Farm. Altogether, the allow us to speak of them in detail ; we can hardly see how it can be bettered in its literary tone at least.
