

Mr. Miner, '85, has returned to college.

Mr. Sheldon, the instructor, was recently married.

Several men at Yale are sick with the measles.

It is rumored that the sophomore crew will row but once a day hereafter.

Mr. B. B. Thayer of the junior crewis suffering with an abscess on his hip.


Mr. Kendall, late of '84, has entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

St. Paul's School has held championship and handicap racquet tournaments.

Several Harvard undergraduates have subscribed liberally to the new chapel at St. Paul's.

At Dartmouth it is a regular practice for members of the faculty to subscribe to the college nine.

Mr. B. B. Thayer, No. 4 on the junior crew, will be unable to row again this year on account of illness.

Baker will play with the nine in the Brown game on Friday. It is hoped that Lovering will recover by that time.

The Columbia crew has not begun hard work yet, although their race with Harvard comes off a week before ours. [News.

The new base-ball and athletic grounds in Boston, at Dartmouth street, will be a great addition to the opportunities for recreation for the lovers of exercise. The diamond is sodded, the track is well under way, and a high fence and seats are being built. Games of ball will soon be played there.

Contestants for the Yale Mott Haven team begin training at the new athletic grounds Saturday, under the direction of Mr. Camp.

Some of the lacrosse twelve practiced on Saturday with the newly organized Cambridge lacrosse club on their grounds at Pearl street.
