

English 6 will be given next year under Dr. Royce.

The Bugle, the annual publication of Bowdoin, has been issued.

Theme 13 in English 5, is due today. Subject : A Story for Children.

A large attendance is looked for at this afternoon's shoot at Watertown.

The students at Rugby, England, have started a monthly illustrated magazine.


The Columbia College spring athletic games will take place at the N. Y. Athletic Grounds on May 17th.

The members of the Total Abstinence League will be addressed this evening by General John L. Swift.

Messrs Davis and Simpson, of the European team played with the lacrosse twelve yesterday afternoon.

The freshman nine played a practice game with the university nine yesterday afternoon. No score was kept.

The following have been elected members of the Institute of 1770 from '86 Sanborn, Collins and Churchill.

Amherst must be rather discouraged over the exhibition made by her nine in Wednesday's game with the Bostons.

Commencement parts were to be left at the Dean's office any time yesterday. Those not substituted for forensics are due May 1st.

The first ten of the Institute of 1770 from '87 is as follows : Snelling. F. S. Colidge, Remington, Burgess, mumford, Russell, Bowles, Wheelright, Potter and Cameron.

The lawns about college have been raked over, and the rubbish which had collected during the winter has been removed.

The National Amateur Lacrosse Association will meet next Saturday, April 19th, at the Astor House, N. Y., at 7.30 P. M.
