

The third Robert's Hall Assembly takes place this evening.

Lovering will be unable to play with the nine in today's game.

The members of the nine have received their new uniforms.

The Pi Eta will have a full dress rehearsal at their rooms tomorrow afternoon.

The sixth competition for the Walnut Hill cup will be shot at Watertown to day.


The price of board at Memorial Hall for the past month was $4.15 per week.

Applications for rooms must be handed in at the Bursar's office before on o'clock today,

The nine will play the Walthams on Saturday, on Jarvis field. Game called at 3.30 o'clock.

Professor Lovering will today continue his course of lectures on "Electricity and Magnetism."

The following men will compose the nine in the game at Hartford today: Nichols, p., Allen, c., Smith, 1 b., Phillips, 2b., Beaman, 3b., Keep, s. s., Lemoyne, 1. f., Winslow, c. f., Crocker, r.f.,

All wishing to accompany the nine to Hartford, will take the 9 A. M. train at the Boston and Albany depot.

The lacrosse team will play the candidates of the European team on Jarvis field, Saturday, April 26, and Yale on Jarvis field, Saturday, May 17.

In Greek 7, after the reforms of Cleis Thenis have been finished, the lectures will be devoted to a study of Grecian Chronology, the method of(????) 3 (Paragraph)

The following men have been selected at Princeton form the university four: Bird, '85, captain and stroke; Harris, '86; Finely, '84; Green, '85; Smith, '85; Mumford, '85; Evans, '84; and Hempshall, '85. The first four men will probably form the crew.

The directors of Memorial Hall de cided yesterday to put the check system for umbrellas into operation on the first rainy day. To insure the success of the scheme the head waiter will be directed to remove any wet umbrellas found in the hall. As the umbrellas will be checked in the auditors room, free of expense, it is hoped that the frequent complaints in regard to lost umbrellas will soon cease.
