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The name of F. J. Stimson, '76, the author of "Geurndale" and other stories, has again been brought before the notice of the reading public. Two volumes of "Stories by American Authors" have lately been published. Those selected are by living authors, and are such as have appeared in the best magazines of this country. Among them the name of Stimpson appears. With such a large field for the editor to choose from, it is very creditable to his worth as a recent writer that the author of "Geurndale" should appear in this short list for it contains only twelve names in all. Among the young Harvard graduates who are advancing in literature, Mr. Stimpson is a leader, and he is thus acknowledged as one of the first of living American story tellers, a great compliment for so young a man. Of the worth of the collection of stories, of which his is one, it is only necessary to say that the critic of a leading literary paper has characterized them as "a well-chosen series of the best short stories American literature affords."
