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The base ball and crew management makes complaint that those organizations have not received the necessary support from the college in the way of subscriptions. Many men who have subscribed have as yet failed to pay, while the amount subscribed is much smaller than it has been in the pas. -We fear that this complaint will be echoed by almost every organization in college. The college seems to show its desire that Harvard should be represented by newspapers as well as by athletics in the most inexpensive way. It seems to be taken for granted that the nine and crew will always exist and that the papers will always appear regularly, but the fact that such luxuries cost money does not seem so well known. The students as a body seem to feel that somebody will pay the bills, and that they need not trouble themselves. Such a state of affairs is a shame. It is a shame that the continuance of a paper so much a part of Harvard life as is the Lampoon should be endangered, or that the work of the nine or crew should be hampered by the failure of the college to give the necessary support.
