

Curtis rowed with the 'Varsity yesterday.

The nine will play the Hartford's at Hartford next Wednesday.

Hickox, '87, is playing left field on the Yale' Varsity nine.

Mr. Leigh Bonsal has been elected scorer of the University nine.

The breakfast hour at Memorial is from 7.30 to 9; dinner from 6 to 7.


We understand that Yale '87 are already playing a very steady game.

The Freshmen will play the Adams Academy nine, Quincy, on April 19th.

Clarkson, formerly of the Beacons, will play with the Saginaw nine the coming season.

Large quantities of fine cinders are being screened to form a top layer on the new quarter-mile track.

The first College exhibition game will be played with the Brown nine at Cambridge on April 25th.

The sixth competition for the Walnut Hill Cup will be shot at Watertown this afternoon.

The National Lawn Tennis Association has decided to hold the next annual tournament at Newport the last three days of August and Sept. 1. The ball adopted for use in all the games of the association clubs in America in place of the English ball heretofore in use.

Princeton will enter at least one man for every event in the inter-collegiate athletic games in May. [Ex.

The game with the Tremonts, which was to have been played yesterday, was postponed on account of the inclement weather.

Under the auspices of the Harvard Finance Club, Professor Hunt will lecture this evening on "The Iron Industry."
