

An anonymous circular attacking the faculty of Princeton College in a very satirical and vigorous manner; has been distributed among the students there, and has been the cause of much excitement. A mass meeting of over 500 students was called together and held in a hired hall in town, as the dean refused to allow them the use of any college building, and a set of resolutions was drawn up addressed to the trustees. The second resolution, in regard to the new athletic rules, shows that much the same sort of feeling exists there between the faculty and students as at Harvard.

The resolutions which were adopted unanimously, are as follows:

Whereas, facts have been brought to our notice indicating a system of espionage which we deem cowardly, contemptible and degrading, to wit: First, the employment of servants to keep a close scrutiny on the students who come under their observation, and to report them to headquarters; second, rooms are unlocked and desks opened; third, that playing cards are secretly taken from the rooms; fourth, that officers of the college have been seen listening at doors and gaining admission to rooms under false pretence; fifth, that the night watchman has been seen peeping into lighted windows on the first floors; sixth, that railroad officials have been invited to note down all students leaving town and to report their names; seventh, a barber has been questioned by members of the faculty and threatened for withholding information:

Resolved, that we hereby petition your honorable body to institute a thorough investigation, with a view to reforming these abuses.

And, whereas, we disapprove of the adoption of the new athletic regulations;


Resolved, that we petition that they be rescinded.

Indeed, the state of feeling towards the faculty is so hostile that it may be likened to a volcano, which, as one writer says, "with the awful and potent causes which underlie it, is bound to erupt, even through incalculable obstacles, and carry to the outer world at least some taken of the fires that burn within." The students say that they have long enough confined their feelings to "concealed disrespect, quiet sneers, and subdued profanity toward that body whose position should call for personal respect. "Nor is this hostility confined only to the espionage and athletic questions. Much fault is found with the system of examinations recently introduced.

The methods adopted at the close of the fall term are denounced as "severe, injudicious, and not calculated to obtain the best results." This was especially noticeable in the two upper classes, where many of the best men broke down and were obliged to leave before the close of the term.

The new dean seems to be the chief point of attack, as he is regarded as the source of all the evil. The circular letter says of him: The students say that matters have reached a crisis and think that publicity is the only means of obtaining relief from their grievances. For this reason they have not only petitioned the trustees, but have set the matter before the general public.
