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We hope as large a number of men as possible will put their names down on the book to be placed at Bartlett's for the proposed junior class dinner, and that as soon as possible. Besides the reasons which are generally urged in favor of class dinners, this dinner should receive the hearty support of the class for the additional reason that it is given, to a certain extent, as a mark of respect and appreciation of the efforts of the junior crew in preparing for the class races. When we think how few are the opportunities for social meetings of the classes while in college, we feel sure that every man should consider it his duty as well as pleasure to attend a class dinner. Let all therefore put their names down who can, and thus encourage others to follow their example.

While the students have the advantage of extra lectures delivered during the college year by the instructors, or by gentlemen invited to lecture, upon certain subjects, the subject of music is neglected. It is somewhat singular that the talent at hand does not volunteer lectures or recitals of music. A large number of students able to appreciate good music have but few chances to hear it during the college term, and one or two organ or piano recitals would be greatly appreciated by them. Moreover, many works of the old composers, especially Bach and Handel, are never heard nowadays, for the poor reason that they are of too slight account to bring before the modern audience, who, satiated with the music of the future, and "that thing of terror," a modern symphony or rather gymnastic exercise for the instruments in the orchestra, would scorn the simple writing of figures, etc. These simple melodies, many of them most beautiful, could be played by Professor Paine at recitals and he would thus afford an opportunity to hear music out of the common. But Professor Paine's recitals are rumors and perhaps will never be given. The influence of music is elevating and refining and we may safely predict that music lectures or recitals would be well attended.
