

Laundress-An experienced laundress wishes gentlemen's washing. Refers to Prof. James. Address: Mrs. Corcoran, Bennett St., off Mount Auburn St.

Tutoring in all freshman courses, all History courses, Sophomore Rhetoric, English 8, Political Economy 1, and all subjects required for admission, by Robert Luce, A M., sub-master of the Waltham High School. Apply at 54 Weld.

For experienced tutor in Freshman German address, "G.," 26 Holyoke street.

For nobby stylish boots and shoes go to H. H. Tuttle and Co., they are the agents of the Co-operative Society.

Mr. H. L. Hurlbut, tailor, 125 Tremont street, has received his selection of spring woollens. Harvard students are invited to make an examination.

