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Within the last year a pleasant custom has sprung up at Yale, which Harvard might do well to follow. We refer to the practice of organizing state clubs among the undergraduates. There are at present three of these clubs in successful operation at Yale, one composed of students from the state of Minnesota, another from Ohio, and a third from California. They have been founded for the purpose of bringing into pleasant social relations members of the different classes who come from the same state, so that when the four years are completed and the students have returned to their native states, they will be bound more closely together by their former friendship, and will feel a greater interest in the home alumni associations. The Harvard Club at San Francisco, which greatly outnumbers the Yale club in that city, is doing its utmost to induce the young men of California who desire a university training, to choose Harvard as the place most adapted to their needs. A glance at the catalogue will show the steady increase of students from the Pacific slope, which is due in a great measure to the influence of this association. There are at present among our undergraduates, twenty-five men who claim California as their native state, distributed as follows: two in '84; six in '85; seven in '86; eight in '87 and two among the special students. If we may judge of the future by the past, this number will be steadily increasing, until in time California will have as large a representation at Harvard as some of the more Eastern states.

The formation of a state undergraduate club would undoubtedly, in a few years, exert a perceptible effect upon this increase, and would ably second the efforts of the home association.

Thus there seem to be two distinct advantages which would recommend the formation of state clubs to college students; -the opportunity of meeting one another socially, and the opportunity of increasing at the same time the functions of their respective universities.


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