

Balcombe, '86, has returned to college after a short absence.

Marks were given to the seniors in History 12, yesterday.

The University and freshman nines practice daily on Jarvis field.

The turf in the yard has been badly cut up in places by careless driving.

Many complaints are heard because of the lack of ground for tennis courts, this year.


Professor Macvane will tomorrow resume his Saturday lectures in History 12.

Yesterday's trigonometry examination was of rather more than the average difficulty.

Tilden, '87, has recovered the use of his hand, and has begun practice with the freshmen.

It is hoped that all who have any knowledge of rifle shooting will attend the meeting tonight.

The Divinity Hall Lecture Course seems to grow in popularity, judging from the audience.

It is very probable that the class races will be rowed on May 10th, the day of the first Yale game.

Several good ball players in '87 have not as yet made their appearance as candidates for the nine.

The tide was so high yesterday morning that several of the crews were unable to pass under the bridges.

At a recent scanning match at Bidhaeg University, Ohio, John Tobias Canner took first money, breaking the record by scanning one hundred lines of Virgil in 3.12 3-4.

Efforts are being made by the manager of the nine to obtain a suitable amateur coach for the rest of the year.
