

At a special meeting of the board of overseers held in Boston Thursday, it was voted to concur with the president and fellows in appointing Arthur Prescott Lothrop, A. B., as proctor; William Baker Hills, M. D., assistant professor of chemistry for five years, from September 1, 1884; to concur in the vote to abolish the professorship of ancient patristic and modern Greek, established by the vote of April 28, 1860. The vote of the president and fellows, electing John Williams White professor of Greek, was laid over under the rules of the board. It was voted that the annual report of the president of the college, required by a vote passed February 9, 1826, to be presented to this board for the information of its members, be hereafter submitted to this board before the printing, publication or distribution thereof. The report of the special committee on rhetoric and English literature was taken from the table, and its recommendations adopted.
