

Term bills were distributed yesterday.

The work of repairing the boat house is progressing very slowly.

The next lecture in Political Economy 6 will be given on Monday, March 24, at 9 A. M.

Mr. A. Grethen, special student, has left college to take charge of an orchestra in San Francisco.

At the examination in French on March 22, students making up entrance conditions will go to U. E. R.


Hornuing of the Boston league has been coaching the Hamilton College nine.

Several games have been arranged for the recess. A schedule of the games will be published shortly.

The senior crew has adopted a new stroke, much quicker, and with less swing than the regular Harvard stroke.

Columbia '87 is said to have a better set of men as candidates for its crew than any class for a number of years.

Mr. W. R. Thayer, '81, has an article in the current Lippincott's on "Some new Anecdotes of Heine."

The sum of $1,200 has been subscribed towards building a Beta Theta Psi club house at Lake Chantauqua.

Prof. C. E. Norton writes an "open lettee" to the April Century on the authorship of Dante's portrait in the Bargello at Florence.

Mr. Robert Luce, '82, will do the Harvard work for the Boston Globe during the remainder of the year. He will be assisted by his brother, Mr. Lynn Luce, '87.

The remainder of the Harvard Historical Society's lectures will be given in Sanders Theatre. Col. Stone's lecture will be postponed from April 8 to April 11, owing to the vacation.

The date on which the 12th theme in English 5 will be due has been postponed until next Friday. The 13th theme will be due April 18th, subject, a story for children.

The Finance Club lecture last evening was well attended. The lecture was one of unusual interest, and was most attentively listened to by the audience. At the request of Mr. Atkinson we do not print a report of the lecture.

In answer to numerous inquiries, we wish to state that the lists of names intended for the American "Academy" should include only men-of-letters and not women-of-letters. All lists should be sent us by Friday, March 28, so that they can be forwarded to New York.

At the meeting of the executive committee of the athletic associations last evening, it was decided to send two representatives to the general meeting called by Columbia. This meeting will be held at Hamilton Hall, Columbia College, on Saturday, March 29th. Mr. Burr, '84. and Mr. Sexton, '84, have been chosen to represent Harvard at the meeting.

The week's Nation reviews Professor Greenough's edition of the last six books of Virgil's Aeneid and the Georgics, and Dr. Peabody's translation of "Cicero de Officis." In a view of an English edition of the 'Trinummus' of Plautus the presentation of the play at Westminster School is characterized as a performance which "will light up the 'Trinummus' wonderfully, even for those who read it under the Pope Professor at Harvard College."

The Hasty Pudding Club will visit New York during the spring recess, and give two performances, in the University Club Theatre, Madison square, of the burlesque opera in four acts entitled, "Hernani." The same piece will be presented at the regular spring theatricals of the society next Friday evening, at their room in Cambridge, and will be given in Boston about the middle of April. The opera will, of course, undergo the usual transformation at the hands of the members of the society, and be embellished with many localizations.
