

Amherst will probably put the strongest nine into the field this year that she has ever had. Taylor, '84, resigned the captaincy, and Harris, '85, was elected in his place. But two positions were left vacant, third base and right field. Hamlin and Warren who filled those positions last year were graduated, but their places have been filled by good men. Hunt, '85, who caught last year, will go to left field, and Sullivan, a new man, will play behind the bat. Harris, '85, will pitch again this year, and it is though will even out do his record of last year. Gardner, '84, will again cover first, and Buffum, '84, will play second. Taylor, '84, will hold his old position at short, where he played so well last year. Marble, '85 will play third, he is a new man, but has played his position creditably in the practice games thus far. Hunt, '85, will play left field, and Stewart, '86, will go to right field. Kimball will remain at centre field. This will probably be the make-up of the nine for '84. The nine as a whole showed great improvement in their batting and fielding over that of last year. They have had the advantage of Morrill's coaching, and have been working hard all winter. The college as a whole is quite confident of the ability of the nine, and with any improvement whatever on their play of last year, they ought to stand a good show for the championship.
