

The Beacons are lacking the services of a good pitcher this year.

The Cooperative Society now has four hundred and nine members.

Tyng, '77, will captain and pitch on the Staten Island nine this year.

Tickets for the Harvard Finance Club's lectures may be had at Sever's.

Mr. Kidd of New York will measure the nine for their uniforms on Saturday.


Men have begun work on the boat house, and the piles will be driven as quickly as possible.

The 'varsity and junior crews rowed in a driving hail, storm yesterday morning.

It is hoped that all juniors able to attend the class dinner will put down their names at Bartlett's at once.

The Brown University nine will play the Bostons, on the Boston grounds, on the 6th and 8th of April.

The prized won by Mr. Bangs at the last meeting will be counted on '84's score for the class flags.

Hubbard is reported by the Clipper as saying that he will play ball at any salary this season.

Merrill, the Beacon short stop, who played a splendid game last year, will be unable to play this year.

Badger, Yale '82, will play second base for the Beacons. Sawyer, of Harvard, will captain the team.

Mr. Hart will dismiss the selection in History 13, at half-past twelve, on the next two Saturdays, for the accommodation of the men wishing to attend the winter games.

The junior class of Lasell Seminary have issued invitations for a reception to take place on the first of April.

It is said that the marks on Sophomore Rhetoric, given out yesterday, ran very low.

The first number of Yale's new venture in comic illustrated journalism will be issued about the first of April.

It is claimed that Wright and Ditson's new ball adopted by the college league, will raise the batting averages considerably.

An extra exhibition game has been arranged with the Brown nine for April 25th, the game to be played in Cambridge.

The nine will remain in Cambridge during the recess and practice daily. There will probably be several games during the week.

Weistling, one of '87's most promising players, is said to be developing great skill as a pitcher. He is being coached by Nichols and Winslow of the 'varsity.

Edward Atkinson, Esq., will lecture before the Finance Club this evening. Subject: "What makes the Rate of Wages?"

Last night the final Symphony concert of the series was given in Sanders Theatre. A detailed criticism of the concert will appear in our next issue.

The Lafayette College Athletic Association recently gave a fair, which lasted three days, and from which the association realized over one thousand dollars.

The State College Baseball Association, of which the Union team is a member, have agreed to name twelve professional players who may be engaged by the respective teams. This will allow two professionals to each club.

Students who have already sent in their votes for members of the American "Academy" to the Critic are requested to send us copies, as we wish to see what Harvard's choice would be. Such contributors should state the fact that they have already communicated with the Critic.

Richardson, the catcher of the Beacons, has been offered a large salary to play with the New York league nine the coming season. Ayer, another Beacon player, has been offered a position on a professional nine. We believe that both gentlemen have refused the offers.
