

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS HERALD-DRIMSON-Last week you advocated through your columns an improvement in the sponge bathtubs in the gymnasium. The only drawback to the plan suggested was its expense, which would be considerable. Expense is always a matter of prime importance where the funds are small. Now that expense may not be a hindrance to this much needed reform and consequent improvement, I would like to suggest another plan of accomplishing the desired result. It is, instead of tearing the tubs to pieces and resetting them satisfactorily, to place in the bottom of each of the tubs as they stand at present a thin slab of soapstone thicker at one end than at the other. This would carry the water off properly and would not cost more than can be afforded.

