

Marks in Latin 2 will be out next Saturday.

Fletcher, '87, is seriously ill at his home in New York.

From this time all the crews are to row daily on the river.

Professor Lovering will lecture today on "Electricity and Magnetism."

Twenty men have already signed for the junior dinner.


The marks in History 1 will be announced at the next lecture.

The lightweight sparring at the next meeting promises to be a well filled and contested event.

Eighty-six's boating debt of over $1,200 has been nearly paid off. [Spectator.

The Phi Beta Kappa initiation supper will be held at Young's, Thursday evening, at half-past seven.

All the teams will this year obtain their ribbons and hats of Collins and Fairbanks.

Though but nine men take History 5, the marks on the semi-annual are not yet given out.

Prof. A. S. Hill was unable to deliver his lecture on "Sir Walter Scott," yesterday.

There will be an hour examination in Natural History 8, next Monday, at the regular recitation hour.

If the weather is fair it is expected that there will be a full attendance at the Shooting club meet this afternoon.

Both the nine and lacrosse team will be in practice on Jarvis in a few days, if the weather continues pleasant.
