

Theses in Natural History 2 will be due April 1st.

The condition of the walks in the yard yesterday was disgraceful.

There will be a meeting of the directors of Memorial Hall today at 1.30 P. M.

President Eliot is reported as saying that the Lampoon is the only college paper he considers "worth reading."

The instructor in Political Economy 1 will give out the marks tomorrow to those who have not yet received them.


At yesterday's recitation in Greek 3, the section voted that the optional hour examination be held after the Easter reess.

Dr. Royce was unable to prepare an abstract of his lecture in time for publication in today's issue, and we are therefore obliged to defer our report until tomorrow's issue.

Prof. Hill will continue his course of lectures on the "Authors of the XVIII and XIX. Centuries," his subject for today being "Jane Austen."

Col. Theodore A. Dodge lectures this evening under the auspices of the Harvard Historical Society. Subject: "The Battle of Gettysburg."

Hillsdale College has a new biological laboratory. Although it has been open but a few weeks, 150 cats have been already "treated" in its dissecting room.

Houghton, Mifflin and Co. have in press a volume of "Studies in History," by Henry Cabot Lodge, formerly instructor in History at Harvard.

F. W. Taussig, instructor in Political Economy at Harvard, edits the translation of Laveleye's "Political Economy" recently published by G. P. Putnam's Sons.

The next volume in the series of "American Statesmen" will be on john Adams. It is by Mr. John T. Morse, Sr., editor of the series, author of the "Lives of John Quincy Adams and Thomas Jefferson," and a graduate of Harvard.

John Boyle O'Reilly, Robert Grant, "J. S. of Dale," John T. Wheelwright and George Parsons Lathrop, it is reported, are going to write a novel together, and they have already sold it outright for $5000. Three of this galaxy of authors are recent graduates of Harvard.

Princeton contemplates extensive changes in her curriculum. It is proposed to decrease the number of studies a student has at any one time, and to increase the number of hours per week, devoted to each study. The result will be fewer examinations and it is hoped a higher grade of scholarship in the branches pursued.

Columbia College is at last to be represented in the baseball arena; meetings to organize a team having been held at the college during the past month. Johnny Ward will coach the team up to the end of May, so it promises to start out well. They have some fine players in the college this year. it is to be hoped that, if the nine be not so successful as anticipated, no such boyish action will be taken as in the case of the Lacrosse club some years ago, which was broken up by the collegians because they failed to win matches. [Clipper.

It is now learned that on Friday last the young ladies of the freshman class of Sage College in Ithica, not wishing to be outdone by the Cornell freshmen, made preparations for a like class supper. The sophomores getting wind of the affair on Friday just before supper, licked some of the prominent freshman girls in their rooms intending in this way to break up the supper. They finally relented, however, and let the freshmen out on condition that they should share their supper with them. The freshmen could do no better than consent. So, like a dish of cream with two spoons, the supper intended for the freshmen served as a repast for both classes. The young lady freshmen, however, fared better than their brothers at Cornell, for they at least had a finger in their own pie.
