

No Headline

We have heard wonder expressed that the HERALD-CRIMSON does not contain more items of college news, and it is but fair to say that the "Fact and Rumor" column is somewhat deficient in that respect. But who is to blame for this state of things? Surely not the editors, for a few men cannot hear every rumor that may be floating about the college, nor can they give the time to run about picking up facts here and there, as newspaper reporters do. The fault is to be charged to the entire body of our students, and it is only owing to indifference on their part that our local column is less interesting to the students of Harvard, than are the columns of the Yale News and Cornell Sun to the men in those colleges. It would be but little trouble for a man who hears some fact of interest to others to write it upon a slip of paper with his name and drop it into one of our boxes, and it would be a favor duly appreciated by the editors in charge of our local column.

In so large a community as ours there can be no dearth of news, athletic or otherwise, and if the men who frequent the gymnasium would be on the lookout for facts there about our crews and other teams the athletic interest would be well cared for, while the men in the various departments of the university might see to it that all news relating to their work and courses should reach us. Moreover, in a college supporting so many different societies, there ought to be a large amount of society news, but the secretaries are extremely backward in sending us reports of meetings or any items of general interest.

These lines have been written in the faint hope that there may be improvement in this respect in the future, and, hoping that they will be utilized, slips of paper have been left near the box in Brock and Leavitt's, on which students may write anything they deem of interest to their fellow undergraduates.
