

Vassar has formed a glee club.

The president of Mellin College commands its cadet battalion. [Ex.

The Institute of Technology has issued its annual catalogue.

Dartmouth has three graduates in the present National House of Representatives.

After the examinations, Greek 3 will resume its reading of the Odyssey, after which the Iliad will probably be read.


The action taken by the Lacrosse convention at New York will soon be made public.

Matthew Arnold was made an honorary member of the Whig Club at Princeton.

The proctors of Whitelaw College have organized a nine to give practice to the college nine. [Ex.

The Dartmouth College alumni of Chicago held their ninth annual banquet recently.

The University of Edinburgh expects to celebrate its 300th anniversary in a short time.

The new women's college which it is proposed to establish at Baltimore is to be a strictly Methodist institution.

Yale successfully supports one daily paper, two fortnightlies, a monthly, and three annuals.

At the annual dinner of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, at which were in attendance both past and present members, Hon. Stephen B Philipps, of Salem, was elected vice-president, representing the Harvard chapter.

The Middlesex Gun Club will shoot at Watertown, Thursday, and several members of the Harvard Shooting Club will probably attend.

The decisions reached by the intercollegiate athletic conference will be published as soon as the subject has been voted upon by the several faculties represented.

A class of nineteen girls from Boston University has just commenced work in the physical laboratory of the Institute of Technology.

The Globe published an article, Monday, entitled "Grinding for the Semis," which was evidently written by a man who had experienced the sensations he described.

An association of collegiate alumnae has been organized, whose object is the uniting of the alumnae of different institutions for practical educational work.

Mr. Henry L. Daniells, one of the victims of the Gay Head disaster, was not a student at the Institute of Technology as reported, but was attending the Normal Art School.

It is probable that the Williams Athenaeum will be put in charge of a board of directors who shall run it and elect the editors, a matter that has been heretofore done by the classes. A college meeting was held last week, but definite action was postponed till Wednesday.

Cornell University gets a particularly fine Egyptian mummy from Mr. Pomeroy, American consul general at Cairo. It is something over 3500 years old, and the covering of pasteboard bears a host of figures and inscriptions which are yet plain.

A glee club has recently been formed at Dartmouth by '86 men, with the intention, if possible, of giving a few entertainments in the spring in neighboring towns. It consists of sixteen men, and is in good working condition.

Maker of musical instrument, cheerfully rubbing his hands: "There, thank goodness, the bass fiddle is finished at last!" After a pause: "Ach, Himmel, if I haven't gone and left the glue-pot inside!" [Ex.

It is calculated that Vanderbilt's income would pretty nearly cover the total receipts of Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, Durham, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton combined. [Ex.
