

The freshmen have now been playing two months in the cage, and thus far but few good players have shown themselves. They are greatly in need of a good pitcher, and at present have but two men trying for the position. Captain Loud has requested his men to sign a training paper, and we understand that a very promising candidate refused to comply with the request. This is hardly the spirit that the college expects from the freshmen, and the sooner they get over it the better will be their chances for success. There is plenty of material in '87 for a good nine, but the men do not come forward with the right spirit. Captain Loud is an energetic man, but a captain can do little unless supported by his men. The entire working of the nine bears a marked contrast with that of preceding classes, and we should think that '87 would endeavor to supersede, or at any rate tie the good record made in base-ball by '86. Let us hope that in the few weeks that still remain before out-door practice begins, that all the ball players who have thus far kept themselves in seclusion will come forward and do all in their power to raise the standing of the nine.
