

About thirty members of the club gathered at Young's last evening for the annual dinner. At eight o'clock the club and its guests took their places at the table and after the cigars were reached the toastmaster, Mr. J. G. Coolidge, '84, announced the following toasts, which were interspersed with songs under the leadership of Mr. R. F. Howe, '84:

The Harvard Bicycle Club, Mr. W. D. Smith, '84; the Princeton Bicycle Club, Mr. F. L. Coolidge, president P. B. C. Our past members, Mr. G. B. Morrison, '84; the class of '87, Mr. Royal Robbins, '87; the class of '85, Mr. W. K. Draper, '85; the class of '84, Mr. W. D. Smith, '84; the Mott Haven team, Mr. E. Norton, '85; our Track Athletes, Mr. Thompson, '87; the Shooting Club, Mr. J. A. Frye, '86; the ladies, Mr. S. E. Winslow, '85.

The club then drank several informal toasts, after which singing and storytelling were indulged in until the party broke up after a most enjoyable meeting.
