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The new gymnasium of Johns Hopkins University was opened last December. It accommodated 250 persons. A very complete set of Dr. Sargent's developing appliances, says the University Circular, is ranged against the walls on the four sides of the room, and a variety of apparatus such as is usually found in gymnasiums has also been provided. In the dressing rooms a large number of private lockers are placed, besides bath tubs and set bowls supplied with hot and cold water. The gymnasium is a place for "body-building" and a place for recreation. It will be administered as far as possible in accordance with the plan followed by Dr. Sargent (in the Hemenway Gymnasium of Harvard University). The purpose is to give to each individual guidance and counsel based upon and determined by a careful examination of his physique. It is held that the end and aim of physical training is to enable the body to do with pleasure and ease all the work of which as a mechanism it is capable.
