

The following is a synopsis of the lecture to be delivered in Sever 11 this evening, before the Historical Society, by Gen. F. W. Palfrey:

Gaines Mill and the Peninsular Campaign, March to July, 1862.

1. Purpose of the operations. To capture Richmond and crush the Confederate army in the Eastern zone.

2. Noteworthy strategic movements. Movements to the Peninsula. Socalled Siege of Yorktown. Operations before Richmond, especially the defeat of McClellan by a movement on his right flank.

3. Controverted questions. Necessity of the siege of Yorktown. Propriety and effect of withholding McDowell from McClellan. What McClellan should have done after the battle of May 31 and June 1. What McClellan should have done when at tacked on his right by Lee, June 27, 1862, etc., etc., etc. Especially question of possibility of McClellan's moving on Richmond by the James, in (say) August, 1862.


4. The result. McClellan's Pehinsular Campaign abortive.

5. References. Swinton's Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. McClellan's Report. The Peninsular Campaign of 1862, Mil. Hist. Society of Mass. Official Reports-Army of Northern Virginia.
