

Mr. Bemis, whose notice of a new stock of cigars etc. appears on this page, claims that he offers superior in ducements to his customers on the ground that he selects the tobacco leaf for his won manufacture.

Lost-By a young lady, yesterday afternoon, February 22, in the college grounds, or one of the buildings, a purse containing $30. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving the same at Prof. J. P. Cooke's, 25 Quincy street.

Lost-In Sever 37, during the recent examinations, an ivory foot rule. The finder will confer a great favor by returning it to 18 Hollis.

Lost-An A. T. Cross Stylographic pen. The finder will condor a favor by leaving the same with H. F. Atwood, 25 Grays.

Dr. Humphreys begs to inform his old pupils and others that he will be at 6 Mt. Auburn street, Cambridge, on Saturdays from 12 to 1 o'clock, and happy to see any who may wish to consult him.


Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 64 Mt. Auburn St. Mrs. Bucknell.

Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 5 Linden street, Cambridge, Mrs. Mooney.
