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It is to be hoped that the faculties of the various colleges interested will take immediate action on the resolutions submitted to them for their approval by their representatives in the conference committee. Time certainly flies and the days are not many before outdoor exercise will be possible, and the inter-collegiate contests at hand. The time for preparation is limited and each man wishes to know what to expect, whether the resolutions will be put in force and college athletics make a radical change, or whether the necessary number of colleges will fail to ratify and athletics continue in the old ruts. It is very annoying to hear that this or that college faculty have postponed or delayed their decision in the matter. Where so many colleges are concerned it is nothing more than a matter of courtesy for each one to be as prompt as possible, so that others may not be kept in suspense. By the power conferred on them the smaller colleges can make the larger ones wait their pleasure, but it is hardly polite or politic in them to do so. It is not often that the larger colleges are called upon to ask favors of them, while on their side they are largely dependant on the larger institutions of learning for many of the ideas and methods of instruction and government which they pursue.
