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The annual meeting of the Co-operative Society for the presentation of reports of last year's business and the election of officers for the ensuing year takes place this evening in Sever 11. A full attendance of members and of non-members who may be interested in the society is much to be desired. If the college will take an active part in the proceedings of the meeting, suggesting,-criticising where need be, the directors elected for the ensuing year can acquire a much better idea of the general sense of the members in regard to the management and to matters of detail which may be of public interest, which they will only be able to guess at if the attendance and interest be slight and the proceedings of the meeting be merely perfunctory.

The past year has been a moderately prosperous one for the society. It is expected that a net capital of about one hundred dollars will be shown by the superintendent's report. This is an encouraging showing when it is considered that during the past year the society has had to contend with the adverse influence of a slight abatement in the interest and support accorded to it, arising from the fact of the closer competition of non-co-operative tradesmen. Members can congratulate themselves that in no point in the society's history has it been found necessary to levy an assessment. The stability and usefulness of the society as a college institution is now well assured. The society has been run on a close financial basis, as is the safer plan, and therefore has often been hampered by lack of capital with which to conduct its operations. It has always, however, been able to profit by the courtesy of affiliated tradesmen, and thus has not seriously suffered from this cause. It would be much better if it had a small capital of its own, however, and thus could be rendered more independent than formerly. As large a support as it received last year is needed for future success. A larger support should be given it so that its usefulness can be increased.
