

Marks are out in English 8.

There are several new candidates for the Mott-Haven team.

The Junior Promenade at Yale was extremely successful. Only three more books of Livy are to be read in Latin 2.

Of the 260 men in Brown, 107 are members of secret fraternities.

Greek 1 is reading Plutarch's "The mistocles, " at the rate of three pages daily.


At the Lehigh University one absence from Sunday chapel counts as three.

The steward of Memorial Hall, Mr. Sullivan, is sick at present, and unable to be at the hall.

The fee for membership in the Cooperative Society till September 1884, may be paid now.

Subscriptions may now be paid in for the HERALD-CRIMSON for the ensuing half-year; price $1.50.

A bill is before the senate, providing for the erection of a new building for the Congressional Library.

The Brown Alumni of Boston and vicinity held their eleventh annual reunion at Young's, Wednesday evening.

Members of the Shooting Club who intend to attend Saturday's meet will take the 9.30 car from Harvard square.

Something ought to be done to prevent teams from driving over the yard turf while it is in its present soft condition.

From the number of runners in training it is expected that the events of the spring meeting will be unusually well filled.

Prof. Blakie, of Williams, recently delivered a lecture, the proceeds of which were turned into the treasury of the college nine.

The Harvard Freshmen are training steadily, and with the intention of breaking the long record of defeats in base ball. [News.

The Harvard Faculty have adopted the resolutions of the Intercollegiate Conference, as printed in our columns yesterday.

Franklin and Marshal College, at Lancaster, Pa., has received a bequest of $10,000, for the purpose of building an observatory.

The German National Monument, at Niederwald, for which the German students subscribed the statue of "Peace," cost $298,000.

The Philosophical Club has lately received an invoice of books from Metz, Germany, through the courtesy of the Smithsonian institution.

Union Railway driver to inquisitive student, "Yes, it is purity hard going", yer see so many hoses has got this year spinnel maginnis." [Fact.)

Mr. F. H. Storer, of the Bussey Institution of Harvard University, has been contributing an interesting and popular series of memoranda of methods employed by fishermen for "barking" and in other ways preserving nets and sails, to the American Chemical Journal.

The Blind College at Worcester, England, recently tried the novel experiment of holding athletic games for the blind students. Their running was directed by bells and by stationing boys at intervals along the roped track. Tugs-of-war, leaping, putting the shot, races of all kinds and distances, were successfully and creditably carried out.

Representatives of Lafayette, Rutgers, and Stevens Colleges met in the Sturtevant House, New York, last Saturday, and formed a college baseball league. These three colleges will each put a team in the field, and play a series of four games each for a pennant emblematic of the championship. The officers elected are as follows: President, A. C. Campbell, of Lafayette; vice-president, J. H. Stewart, of Stevens, and secretary and treasurer, R. A. Learned, of Rutgers. It was intended at first to organize a foot-ball league in conjunction with base-ball, but the arrangements for foot-ball were postponed until the next meeting of the association, which will take place in September. The rules of the American College BaseBall Association will govern all contests. The schedule of games was arranged.
