

Princeton seems to be particularly favored in the matter of general lectures for the students. Some of the best known literary men in the country have been selected to speak there. On Thursday last, Mr. Charles Dudley Warner delivered the first of a series of four lectures on "Literature and Life." This was received with much good will by a crowded audience in the Old Chapel. The second was on Saturday, and the other two are this week. The whole course is illustrated by selections from various sources. It is understood that the college is indebted to Professors Sloane and Osborn for these lectures. Mr. George W. Cable, who was announced for last Monday evening, and did not appear on account of his severe illness, is expected to be here later in the season. There is also a movement to have Mr. Oliver Wendell Holmes here some time during the winter. Altogether the lecture course at Princeton this season is the best for a number of years.
