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There undoubtedly is a strong minority among the students ready to support the decision of the Athletic committee as to foot ball. The position of the committee and of this university is substantially as follows: Foot ball, per so is the best game we have for physical development, and perhaps the best in its man making influences. Foot ball, as it has come to be played, first by Yale, then in self defence by Princeton and other colleges, and to a slight extent even by Harvard, is needlessly dangerous, is brutal and demoralizing. Harvard students, must not be allowed to play such a game; therefore inter-collegiate foot ball must cease for us, at least for the present. But it is to be hoped that a careful consideration and revision of the rules and of the game during the winter by a committee of under-graduates, graduates, and the Athletic Committee, will result in a purer and better game, which we can play here next autumn; and which, if the Princeton authorities and those of some other colleges are constrained by public opinion to follow Harvard's action, we shall soon begin to play with other colleges-perhaps even within a year.
