
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

LOST-A pair of eye glasses, in front of Boylston Hall. Will finder please leave them at Leavitt and Peirce's.

FOUND.-An umbrella late last night near Stoughton pump. Apply at Janitor's room in Stoughton.

A club of gentlemen can be accommodated with board at Mrs. Morgan's, '97 Mt. Auburn street.

LOST-W. C. Boyden, '86, has lost all his notebooks. The finders will be liberally rewarded, on returning them to 12 Matthews.

REWARD-Six dollars will be paid for the return of a Russia leather pocket book and contents, lost before the Thanksgiving recess. 14 Grays.


LOST-In Harvard square, on Tuesday evening, December 9, a gold watch and chain. Finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving same at Leavitt and Peirce's.

J. F. Noera has opened to the inspection of the public, a new tailoring department. His new method for cleansing clothes by the steam-naptha process is ne plus ultra. The repairing and pressing are done by first-class work men. All orders thankfully received. 438 Harvard street.
