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The foot ball hearing on Monday is to be held on that day because there is a faculty meeting on Tuesday, and the committee say that action must be taken before the following faculty meeting, which does not come until two weeks later.

The Athletic Committee of the Faculty attended in a body the Yale-Princeton and Wesleyan-Pennsylvania games of foot ball in New York on Thursday, and, it is needless to add, came away greatly edified.

It is rumored that the action of the faculty committee with regard to foot ball was confirmed by the non-appearance of several waiters at Memorial Hall, who were laid up at the recent match.

The special wire of the CRIMSON to New York gave out on Thursday evening, so that we were unable to give the decision of the referee, calling the Yale-Princeton foot ball game a draw, in yesterday's paper. The foot ball convention will now have to decide which college has the championship for 1884-85.
