
Fact and Rumor.

Ten pages of notes in Hist. 13, are now ready.

The Amherst nine will go into training about Thanksgiving.

There will be no examination in Chem. 2, before Thanksgiving.

Lassell Seminary has a Glee Club Which is in a flourishing condition.

Dudley Buck has declined his Yale College degree of Doctor of Mustc.


The conditional list of Commencement parts is posted in University Hall.

The candidates for the senior crew will go into training immediately after Christmas.

There is a marked irregularity in attendance at chapel among the professors.

The Annex has formed a social literary club, and at present is troubled for a name.

The book exchange and sale conducted by Mr. Russell at the co-operative, close to day.

The meeting of the Track Committee of students, called for to day at 1.30 P. M., has been postponed.

Candidates for the lacrosse team are now working every Tuesday and Wednesday in the cage.

The boat house at Cornell was broken into last week, and a number of rowing sculls were stolen,

There will be four or five candidates for the position of short stop on the University nine next spring.

The University eleven engaged in their last regular practice of the season, yesterday afternoon, on snow-covered Jarvis.

Prof. Macvane has instituted a new method of ascertaining absences, distributing slips at each recitation to be signed by those present.

The Vassar Miscellany thinks a "rush" morally wrong, as no one has a right to injure another and make him unnecessarily uncomfortable.

The sixth ten of the Institute of 1770, is A. C. Coolidge, C. S. Thompson, Wiestling, Morrison, C. C. Foster, W. B. Scofield, Huntington, Harday, Storrow, Zerega.

T. P. Burgess, '87, one of the candidates for the 'Varsity crew and a member of the '87 class eleven, is now playing centre rush on the eleven, and doing good work in the position.

The last number of the "Cornell Era" contains an article entitled "A Peep at Harvard." In this article appears the remarkable piece of news that "recitations are entirely voluntary."

A pennant will be offered by the Base Ball Association next spring to be competed for by nines representing each class of the University. Players on the University nine will be barred out.

All those who wish reduced-rate tickets to New Haven on Saturday, must sign the book at Bartlett's before 10 A. M. this, Friday, morning. It will be impossible to get these tickets at the station, so those who want them must sign at Bartlett's.

"Members of the Yale foot ball team who expect to play their game against Princeton next Thursday are watching and waiting with deep interest for the result of Mr. J. L. Sullivan's test case on the law relating to pugilism." -[Boston Advertiser.

The following have signified their intention of trying for the senior crew: Hansen, Gilman, B. B. Thayer, Sutton, J. E. Thayer. Colony, Harrington, Bemis, Boyden, and several more who are at present candidates for the 'Varsity.

Camplaint is made in the Amherst Student that it costs as much to play billiards in the Gymnaseum as in any of the billiard saloons of the town. The following pathetic cry is raised. "If our spiritual guardians would bring the wandering sinner, who at present revels in the wickedness of the hotel billiard room, back to the fold of the new Gym., the most effectual way in which they can do it is by appealing to the financial interests of the above mentioned wanderer."
