
Fact and Rumor.

No recitation was held yesterday in History 13.

There was a cut in Political Economy 8 yesterday.

Several men are taking fencing lessons this term.

Colony '85, is a candidate for the University crew.

'87 has won the college championship at Yale, in Lacrosse.


We have received several letters, seconding the proposition of forming a bockey club.

There are thirty schools in Michigan whose diplomas admit to the university of Michigan.

Fianders of the Yale eleven was last week severely injured in practice at New Haven.

The Technology men telegraphed yesterday afternoon that they could not play the foot ball match.

The Index will probably appear about the first of December. Several new features will be introduced.

There will be a written recitation in N. H. 5 to day, not an examination, as stated in yesterday's paper.

The injuries received by Phillips in the Princeton game are more serious than was at first supposed.

Ferris, the sparring master, having recovered from his injury, has resumed his lessons in the gymnasium.

There is a movement at Michigan University to include military drill among the required courses of instruction.

By the efforts of the Rugby association at Michigan University the knowledge of foot ball is being extended among other western colleges. This will give the game a boom in the west.
