
Fact and Rumor.

Passed balls and wild pitches will probably be scored as errors next year.

Princeton's rush line averages 162 1-2 pounds.

The Britannias of Montreal, beat the Ottawas by a score of 13 to 7.

Even at Bowdoin there is talk about "that abomination, Sunday afternoon chapel."

Pierian rehearsal Monday night. Second violins, 7.00; first vlolins, 7.15; full orchestra, 7.30.


A game of foot ball on Saturday, between Tufts and Dartmouth, resulted in a tie. The score was 10 to 10.

The Freshmen at Cornell have passed resolutions pledging themselves not to challege '89 to a cane rush next year.

It reported that President Arthur will be offered the presidency of Union college.

New machine shops for the mechanical department are being erected at Cornell.

Slowly but surely, foot-ball is killing off our college athletes.-[Columbia Spec.

It has been estimated that 85 per cent, of our students attend the gymnasium.

The number of newspaper correspon dems present at the Princeton game, was unusually large.

There is talk of a co-operation society for the benefit of the students at the Technology.

It was unfortunate that Mr. Keith, the centre-rush in the 'Varsity was unable to play in the Princeton game.

The injuries received by Phillips last Saturday were not of a serious nature and he will be able to play in the Yale game.
