
Hare and Hounds.

The fourth run took place yesterday afternoon. The hares, Blodgett, '87 and E. C. Webster, '87, started at 20 minutes past three. The hounds, led by Brandt, '85, master of hounds, were 19 in number, and started 4 minutes later. The course lay through Norton's woods, across North Avenue, North Cambridge and then towards Mt. Auburn. The paper scent was lost in several places. The chase led across the bridge into Brighton, where, darkness coming on, the hounds could not find the scent and by mutual consent broke for home. The hounds came in 31 minntes after the hares. The race for first place was very close, Brandt winning over Dana, '88, by less than a foot. D. C. Hadder, '88 was third, and Frost, '88, fourth.
