
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a Pierian rehearsal tonight and on Monday night.

The game with Princeton on Saturday will be called at 2.30 P. M.

The Glee Club are practising continually in preparation for several concerts.

W. W. Mumford' '84, of last year's 'Varsity crew, has entered the Law School.

The Princeton fool ball team will probably arrive in Boston at 10 o'clock tonight.


Mr. E. J. Rich, '87, has been elected a regular editor of the DAILY CRIMSON.

The next meeting of the Harvard Union will be held Thursday evening, December 3.

The playing done by the eleven yesterday was the best that has been seen in practice for many a day.

Seventy-two men entered Michigan University this fall by diploma from the high schools of Michigan.

Senior Forensics must be delivered to the instructor in U. 17, on Saturday, tomorrow, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock.

The following have been appointed directors of the Bicycle Club: A. T. French, '85; F. W. Atherton, '86, R. Robbins, '87; J. W. Wood, '88.

At the field sports of Michigan University last week, one rather novel event was to capture a greased pig. The prize for capturing the unfortunate animal was a set of Dictens' works valued at twenty-two dollars. The Co-operative society of the university offered the prize. THe Michigan Argonaut says that "this new and most enjoyable feature of the exercises is one that should be retained in the future."

The score of a foot ball game between Princeton and Johns Hopkins University was 57 to 0 in favor of Princeton. Moffat played with Princeton, thus contradicting the report that he would not play this fall.

A committee of students representing the different athletic associations met Wednesday to determine on a new committee for the care and government of Holmes Field. A plan was drawn up which is to be submitted for approval to the different clubs before Wednesday.

All the law students but six at the Laval University, a Montreat Catholic college, were publicly expelled yesterday for refusing to submit to the regulations which forbid them to attend political meetings, go to a theater, or join any literary or debating society, and exact that they produce confession certificates at least once every three months.

The "Graduate Foot Ball Eleven" which is to play our eleven on Nov. 20th, in Cambridge, will be composed as follows:-Rushers:-Lamb, Yale, '81, Knapp, Yale, '83, Harding, Yale, '80, Twombly, Yale, '84, Moorhead, Yale, '80, Bonsal, Harvard, '84, Beck, Yale, '83, Quarter-back, H. Harding, Yale. Half backs, Badger, Yale, '82, Thompson, Yale '79. Full back, Moffat, Princeton '84, also Pease, Princeton, '83, and Riggs, Princeton, '83 may play,

Peters and Young of the Yale eleven are at present unable to play, owing to injuries received. Several changes have been made in the team, which is at present made up as follows:-Rushers, Goodwin, Ronalds, Coxe, Peters, Flanders, Bertron, Robinson; half-backs, Richards, Terry; back Martin. The Yale News says of the playing of this team; "The first day's practice in this new make-up was quite encouraging. THe playing was much more like that of years past, and the men seem to be learning to fall on the ball in good old-fashioned Yale style.

A meeting of the Overseers was held yesterday morning, the Hon. E. R. Hoar presiding. It was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in the election of Whitman Gurney as a Fellow of the corporation, in place of Alexander Agassiz, resigned. The committees to visit the Museum of Co oparative Zoology, the Lawrence Scientific School, the Bussey Institution, the Peabody Museum, and the Medical and Dental Schools presented their reports, which were referred to the Committee on Reports and Resolutions.
