
Fact and Rumor.

There was a cut in History 13 yesterday.

There will be no recitation in English I or 2 today.

The board of directors of Memorial will meet Thursday at 1.30

The sport of Hare and Hounds seems to have died out at Williams.

Donald G. Mithchell is delivering a course of lectures on English literature to the Yale students.


Among the subjects for compositions offered to the Yale sophomores is "an account of a foot ball game."

Over one thousand students have been expelled from the University of Kieff, in Russia, and drafted into penitentiary regiments.

The new lockers at the gymnasium are now ready. Those men who have made applications for them must select their lockers at once or else give up all claims.

A Yale student last week caught a thief climbing out of a window on the ground floor of Durfee, seized him and took him to a room until a policeman could be summoned.

Those students who attended prayers yesterday morning were presented with a violent revolutionary and nihilistic pamphlet, on leaving the chapel, by a woman on the steps.

As usual the freshmen are having considerable trouble in settling with the Yale freshmen upon a day for the game. There is a good chance that the game will be played Thanksgiving day.

The Yale Courant says encouragingly of the prospects of our eleven: There is still time for a brace, and we may yet see an old-fashioned Yale-Harvard game here on the 22d.

The Dartmouth game with Yale was their first game together and three of their men were partially disabled. In the second three-quarters they went to pieces badly and Yale scored at her pleasure.

The tennis match between Presbrey, '85, the college champion, and Sawin, the winner of the tournament resulted in favor of the former by the score, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1. Mr. Presbrey thus retains the college championship.

Very few freshmen have joined the Bicycle Club so far. It is earnestly hoped that all who intend to join will do so as soon as possible, as a director from '88 will not be chosen unless more riders join from that class.

Only eight men are now trying for the freshman crew. The captain of the crew, and several good men are now playing foot ball, so we may expect a much larger number of promising candidates when the foot ball season is over.

The next Mathematical Seminar will be held tomorrow, November 13, at 4 P. M. in University 19. G. M. Sawin will deliver a lecture on the Calculation of Lunar Eclipses. Various other mathematical questions will be discussed.

The Yale News contains the editorial usual at this time of the year, warning the freshmen of the hard work necessary to beat the "exceptionally strong Harvard team, which has defeated Andover for the first time in many years."

Students who occupy rooms held in their chum's names and who desire that half of their rent and other expenses be put on their term bills, may make the change by going to the Bursar's office with their room mates and signing the required papers before November 14, but not afterwards.

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