
The Elocution Club.

A meeting of gentlemen interested in the advanced study of elocution was held last evening in the rooms of Mr. Jones, instructor of elocution, in Stoughton. There were present 23 men, who showed much enthusiasm for the work of the proposed society. Mr. Jones was elected president by acclamation, and the other offices were assigned as follows : Messrs. Cummings, D. S., and Noble, '84, vice-presidents; Mr. Roundy, '85, secretary; Mr. Hansen, '85, treasurer. Committees were appointed to draft a constitution and select a design for a shingle. The scheme of work proposed in yesterday's CRIMSON was adopted. It was decided to hold the first public declamations and recitations by the club, in Sever 11, on November 18. The next meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday, November 11, when a formal name for the new society will be chosen.
