
Report of the Treasurer of the H. A. A.

Below is the annual report of the treasurer of the Athletic Association for the past year, Mr. Charies H. Atkinson, '85

DR.To T. J. Coolidge, Jr., Treas., '82-3. $103.60

Initiation fees, shingles, etc., 633.02

Programmes, 182.32


Gate money, 1,686.87

Gentleman, name withheld, 30,00

Receipts from rubbing down, 31.15


CR.By printing and advertising, $182.27

Prizes, 357.29

Ayparatus, 31.65

Mott Haven Team, including

extras at Memorial, 528.80

Services of Thomas O'Hara,

W. H. Eveleth and others, 117 00

J. Anderson, carpenter, 243.08

Delegates to general convention, 37.00

Delegates to intercollegiate

convention, 40.85

Aleck Jackson, 48.75

Sundries, 226.83

Balance, 902.44

